I presented a few months ago that bad posture leads to numerous shoulder issues. Shoulder issues are probably one of the most common issues people come to me about, and probably one of the most challenging to correct. The shoulder is an amazing joint that can move in all directions and like the new cars with all its technology…just more to deal with when doesn’t operate correctly. These pesky shoulder aches often keep people awake at night or people have to sleep on a certain side to get a good nights rest. However, once again, like the hips…if you take just a small amount of time weekly or even monthly to perform a few exercises, you could start to improve or correct some of the shoulder aches and pains that plague you.
One of the most common complaints is a pinch or numb feel down the side of the shoulder. Most of the time this sensation is due to “impingement.” When the muscles of the shoulder are not contracting properly, you have to pull more from some muscles than others and the joint does not sit properly causing the humerus (upper arm bone) and the acromion process of the scapula (shoulder blade) to bump into each other. Typically there are two causes for this: the muscles that pull the shoulder blade back aren’t contracting properly or the muscles pulling down on the humerus aren’t pulling down on the humerus as you elevate your arm. I find the second cause happens more since we all tend to even think with our shoulders elevated.
The videos this week will help strengthen the shoulder joint in all the ways it can move. Please use the proper weights that allow you to perform the exercise correctly. Also, please make sure you have been performing the shoulder corrective exercises from the “desk shoulder” videos to be able to execute these exercises properly. If you feel any pain, take a step back and continue the corrective exercises before moving onto these strengthening exercises.
Rotator Cuff
Overhead Press
Lateral Raise
Face Pulls